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Points to Consider

A well-executed renovation by a trusted contractor using quality materials can significantly increase the value of your home. Here are important points to consider before you get too far along in your project.



Choosing a Reputable Contractor
  • Verify Experience: Look for a contractor with a credible history in the areas you’re interested in working on. Stability and longevity are good indicators of reliability and quality.
  • Engagement from Start to Finish: Your contractor should be actively involved from planning through to the final touches, ensuring a consistent vision and execution. 
  • Professionalism and Compatibility: It’s vital that you feel at ease with your contractor. Their professional demeanour and your ability to communicate effectively with them will greatly affect your project’s success. You need clear and consistent communication between you and the contractor.
Quality of Materials
  • Choose Trusted Suppliers: The foundation of a lasting renovation lies in the quality of materials used. Source your materials from reliable suppliers with track records for durability and excellence. Steer clear of deals that seem too good to be true, often provided by less reliable ‘midnight suppliers,’ to avoid the pitfalls of inferior quality that could compromise your project’s integrity and longevity.
Setting Realistic Timelines
  • Immediate Availability: A reputable contractor’s availability can be a telling sign of their demand and, by extension, their work quality. Be wary of those who can start immediately, as experienced professionals typically have a waiting list, particularly during busy seasons.
  • Project Timeline: Setting realistic expectations for project timelines ensures that quality isn’t sacrificed for speed, leading to more satisfactory outcomes.
Understanding Project Duration
  • Setting Expectations: It’s critical to have a clear understanding of how long the work will take and ensure the contractor’s timeline aligns with yours. Determine a realistic timeframe and set realistic expectations to avoid potential frustration.
Cleanliness and Organization
  • Observing Work Habits: The condition of the contractor’s tools and vehicle can provide insights into their work ethic and how they will treat your home. Also, inquire about their cleanup policy after the project’s completion.
Comprehensive Contracts
  • Written Agreements: A detailed contract that specifies the cost and project scope is essential for clarity and accountability. If your contractor is not willing to put both their price and the scope of work in writing, then walk away immediately. You’d be surprised by how many contractors will tell you that a certain part of the project is included, but will then, in the middle of everything, tell you it will cost extra, thus holding you hostage with an incomplete project.
Use of Subcontractors
  • Specialized Work: Does your contractor plan on doing everything on their own? Or will they “sub out” work? For example, if you are remodelling a bathroom, you may need a plumber and an electrician. It’s okay if the contractor subs work out to these specific trades – it shows that they want the work done correctly, and code compliant.
  • Markup: You can expect your contractor to make money off the sub-contractors, by marking up their quotes for the project. That’s a standard practice because there’s a lot of time spent on scheduling and coordinating. Flann Contracting generally does not mark up the sub-trades and we are up front with the costs involved in hiring them.
Understanding Quoting and Billing
  • Detailed Quotes: Discuss how the contractor prepares their quotes. A clear, itemized quote helps you understand where your investment goes.
  • Payment Schedule: Clarify the payment terms and timelines. Be wary of contractors who request large deposits upfront. Remember, the lowest bid might not always offer the best value for your money.

See Our Transformations
Explore our gallery of before and after photos from previous projects, and imagine what we can do for you.

Start Your Project
Connect with Drew Flann for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards your next project.