
Before / After

drag handle
Click / Tap and Drag this icon left and right.


Viewing Tips:

  1. Each of the photos below are split in half, creating a Left and a Right,
  2. In the middle of each photo is a circle with a Left and Right arrow inside,
  3. On your Computer: Click and Drag it,
  4. With your Touch Screen: Tap & Drag it,
  5. Dragging reveals the before and after images,
  6. Wow!

Brick Room to Laundry Room

New Basement Kitchen

Updated Bathroom

Great Basement!

Unusable to Beautiful!

Terrible to Terrific!

100 years ago it never looked this good!

New floor

Room for Babies!

Fireplace Built-In!

Grand Entrance!

Hidden Laundry

Custom Built-in

Drop Ceiling